Skate Park Etiquette: 5 Do’s and Don’ts for your first trip to the skatepark

Being a newbie at a skatepark can be an intimidating experience. If you are new to skating or just new to an area and you want to have the best possible experience, we’re sharing with you a few tips on skatepark etiquette to help you out.

As with any aspect of life, good manners make the world go round. If we are aware of how we behave around and with others, it can go a long way to making sure others feel welcome and also helping us to earn respect from those who interact with us.

Why should you care about skatepark etiquette?

If you plan to visit the same park regularly, you don't want to come across as inconsiderate and rude. You also want to be treated with respect, so to get it, it's essential to give it.

Here are our top 6 Skatepark Etiquette tips for beginners joining the skating world:

Get to know the Skatepark

Every skatepark is different. If you're new to an area, it's a good idea to get familiar with the grounds. If you have time, take a look around you to see the types of skaters that go there. Is it a beginner's park, or are the skaters more experienced? What are some of the obstacles? How is it setup? What are the generally accepted behaviors in the bowl or the ramp?

Getting to know the park before you skate will go a long way to helping you get comfortable with your surroundings. The more comfortable you are, the less intimidating it will be.

Don’t jump the line

This one almost goes without saying, but we have to say it. It's important to wait your turn. If someone else is skating or in the bowl, trying to bypass is a no-no. Let the person finish up and then go for it.

Shout ‘Board’ When yours is out of control

While skating, it’s not uncommon for people to lose their board or for it to get out of control. If this happens to you while you’re skating and your board gets away from you, be sure to shout ‘board’ so that others around you are aware of the flying object.

Stay off the perimeter.​

Try to avoid hanging your board off the perimeter of the skating bowl, or worse, yourself. You want to keep the way clear for other skaters and make sure the area and the ramp stay safe. If there is a long wait to get to the bowl, wait in a secure place away from danger. And don't sit on ledges, boxes, etc. You may be blocking it from other people getting a chance to use it.

Tidy up after yourself

Keeping the area clean is essential. Don't litter. If you bring gear with you, find a proper spot away from the crowd where you can stash your stuff. Avoid leaving a mess in your path. It will not be received well by others.

Be courteous and respectful.

 The general rule is to be kind. Be courteous and respectful to all. Try not to criticize, mock or belittle anyone. Keep this in mind and you’re sure to have an amazing time! 


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